Discipleship begins when we take our first steps walking with the Lord. Following Him in daily life, we make Jesus present in everything we do. Whether we are doing the Laundry at home, meeting with clients at the office, or worshiping Him on Sunday, we always keep the presence of the LORD at the forefront of our minds. In this, we are bringing together what we profess to believe when we recite The Creed on Sunday, and how we live it out. Discipleship involves being one with what you believe…being one with Christ.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. People come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and night. This can be through personal prayer, reading the bible, reading other prayerful books and materials, or just having quiet peaceful time with Jesus. Click here for more information…
“Prayer is being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him who, we know, Loves us.”
Prayer Line
This ministry accepts the names of people who are in need of extra prayers. Prayer Line members give support through their prayers.
Coordinators: Caroline Lehnen 952-492-3363
Ave Maria Cenacle of Prayer
All are welcome to meet and pray the rosary, Marian prayers, and devotions to the Sacred Heart from 7:00 to 8:00 pm on Tuesday evenings in the Chapel.
Coordinators: Caroline Lehnen 952-492-3363
Serving in the Worship of the Mass is a terrific way for us to grow in our relationship with Christ. When we place ourselves close to the Altar of God, where the Sacrifice of Calvary is made present, our Love of Christ is bound to grow deeper and broader.
Environment / Decorating Committee
Contact the parish office (office@sjbjordan.org) to be in contact with the environment/decorating committee.
Contact the parish office (office@sjbjordan.org) to learn more about being a Sacristan.
Parishioners who lector proclaim God’s Word at Mass. One lector is needed at each Mass. Readings for the weekend lectors are mailed out from the parish office early in the week so that they can prepare in advance for the service.
Contact the parish office (office@sjbjordan.org) to learn more about being a Lector.
Greeters are persons or a family who welcome parishioners as well as visitors as they enter the Church. Four greeters are needed at each weekend Mass, one at each of the doors of the Church. Greeters are also responsible for handing out the bulletins to parishioners and visitors after Mass.
Coordinator: 952-492-2640
These individuals assist the greeters in welcoming the assembly, turn on fans, open windows when needed, assist people to their pews and take up the collections. They make sure the Church is in order after Mass. Six ushers are needed for each weekend Mass.
Coordinator: Al Menke 612-247-0297
Mass Servers
Boys in fourth grade or older are responsible for assisting the priest at Mass when scheduled. Three altar servers are needed at each weekend Mass. Father Neil Bakker provides training.
Coordinator: Father Neil Bakker 952-492-4560
Funeral Mass Servers and Sacristans
One sacristan and three Mass servers are needed for each funeral. The Sacristan prepares the altar, altar vessels and gifts. Training is provided.
Contact: 952-492-2640
St. John’s Choir
These singers and musicians provide a combination of SATB choral and congregational hymns accompanied by organ and other instruments on occasion. High school youth and adults make up the choir and are placed in sections to fit their voices. Instrumentalists are also invited to participate, either regularly or just for special feast days. The choir practices Wednesday evenings September through May.
Coordinator: Eli McMahon - Director of Sacred Music

“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”
Faith is not for us alone, but to be shared. Being a JOYFUL WITNESS to Christ is a necessary part of Discipleship. If Discipleship were a human lung, this would be breathing out. In living out our personal relationship with Christ, especially in our participation in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass, we are breathing in the Life of God. God Breathes out His Word, Jesus Christ, for us to receive; but, it’s not for us alone. Saint Paul (pictured above) is a terrific example of being a Joyful Witness to Jesus Christ. We are all commissioned by our Lord to go to the corners of the earth, to bring the Good News of salvation through Christ:
These parishioners are trained volunteers who provide listening support in difficult and transitional situations such as illness, recuperation from surgery or loss of a loved one. They give spiritual and/or emotional support through a caring, non-judgmental listening process. Training and year-around support is provided each BeFriender. A BeFriender normally has only one BeFriendee at a time and meets with that person at least monthly.
Director: Connie Hennen 952-492-6810
Prayer Shawl Ministers
This ministry is made up of a group of people who knit or crochet prayer shawls for sharing with others: as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress, for birthdays or anniversaries, for holiday gifts, etc. The group meets for one hour at 3:00 pm the 3rd Monday, September through May, to knit/crochet and share ideas. The rest of the work is done at home. Yarn is furnished.
Contact: Nan Brandtner 952-492-2981
Sponsor Couple / Pre-Marriage Preparation
After the pastor has his initial meeting with a couple preparing for marriage, the sponsor couple will contact the couple and administer the “Pre-Marriage Inventory”. A computer will analyze this questionnaire and the results will form the basis for some reflection and sharing between the sponsor couple and the couple planning for marriage.
Contact: Father Neil Bakker, 952-492-4560
Ministry to the Homebound, Assisted Living/Nursing Home Residents
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion conduct Communion Services for the homebound parishioners and those living in the Schule Haus, Oak Terrace, and Valley View nursing homes. Individuals, couples or families take turns on a rotating basis to carry out this ministry.
Contact the parish office (office@sjbjordan.org)
Meals on Wheels
Parishioners from Saint John’s take turns for a certain month with members of other Jordan churches to deliver the noon meal to shut-ins who have difficulty preparing a meal. Most deliveries are within the city limits; a few others are a short distance from town. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday except for holidays. While this is a volunteer position, those who deliver meals may record mileage for end-of-the-year tax purposes.
Contact: Colleen Eischens 952-492-6814
Food Shelf
Parishioners from Saint John’s and other area churches participate in unloading trucks and stocking shelves for the Jordan Food Shelf. There also are opportunities to assist in dispensing food to the clients on Saturdays. Those who assist clients must be over 18 years old.
Contact: Bob Malz 952-292-8759
Wedding Coordinators
These individuals take turns overseeing the use of the Church facility by a wedding party. They help the priest set up for the wedding liturgy, facilitate use of the Church by musicians, photographers and decorators, as well as clean up after the wedding. Training provided.
Contact: 952-492-2640
These women sew quilts for the quilt auction at the annual Fall Festival. Beginners are taught how to quilt. The group meets on Monday afternoons for a number of weeks in early Fall, stop for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and begin again the Monday after New Year’s.
Contact: Cheryl Schmeig 952-492-2727
Jordan Council of Catholic Women (JCCW)
This organization is for all women in the parish. They provide a wide variety of services to the parish, including the Christmas Boutique, the Giving Tree and parish-sponsored receptions, such as the Confirmation student and graduation receptions.
Contact: Judy Pint 952-492-6315
Funeral Lunches
A committee of parishioners serves a meal (of the family’s choice) following a funeral service. They prepare the dining area for the lunch and clean up the facility afterwards.
Contact: Helene Schmitt 952-492-2675
Church Cleaners
Church Cleaners take turns doing light cleaning of the Church twice a month. They work in groups of three. A day is set aside once a year for a thorough cleaning of the church and gathering space. All parishioners are invited to help with this cleaning.
Contacts: Cinda Smith 952-412-7076
Sacristy Laundry
These parish members take turns laundering and ironing purificators, corporals and towels every two weeks.
Contact: 952-492-2640
Outdoor Flower Garden
Spaces in front of Church are prepared and planted by a group of parishioners who also take turns maintaining them during the growing season. They clean up the space at the end of the season.
Contacts: Marty Pekarna
Building Maintenance and Grounds
This committee of parish members advise the Pastoral Council on the condition and needs of the parish buildings and property.
Contacts: Pete Welter pwelter@sjbjordan.org
Parish Office Volunteers
These volunteers are available to help with tasks that arise in the parish office.
Contact: 952-492-2640
A Community Caring for Life
This ministry is a respect life program that is a source of information as well as physical and spiritual help to those struggling with an unplanned pregnancy or post-abortion trauma.
Contact: Deb Krzmarcik 952-492-6471
Catholic United Financial
This fraternal life insurance company provides financial security for its members and their families. The local council at Saint John’s sponsors a matching grant breakfast, farmer’s market, as well as other events. The Saint John’s Council is involved in Catholic United’s Disaster Response program helping victims of tornadoes, floods and other disasters. They coordinate the Join Hands Day project which brings together other service groups like the Boy and girl Scouts and Confirmation students to do cemetery clean-up. The Saint John’s Council sponsors members who participate in St. John’s marathon and World Youth Day.
A not-for-profit company, Catholic United uses its profits to support Catholic parishes, schools, faith formation programs, pro-life agencies, the seminary, and Catholic missions. College scholarships are available for members. It sponsors chastity and abstinence programs and technology grants, both received by Saint John’s Parish. Catholic United also made substantial direct contributions to the capital campaign/building project at Saint John’s. Catholic United only invests in funds that are in line with our Catholic beliefs.
Contacts: Judy Pint 952-492-6315
Knights of Columbus, Jordan Council 3759
A family based ministry focusing on Catholic men who promote charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The local council does a wide variety of service projects including:
Rosary service at wakes of deceased members
Support of vocations to the Priesthood
Host the annual parish Rural Life Mass
Sponsor a tootsie roll drive for support of our mentally challenged citizens
Support Pro-Life programs
Sponsor ‘Keep Christ in Christmas”
St John’s School Marathon
Participate in special liturgical celebrations
Sponsor the KC Youth Free-Throw Contest
Student loan and scholarship programs available
Contact: Mark Buesgens markbuesgens@msn.com
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council participates in the responsibility for pastoral ministry and the administration of the parish. It researches the needs, the ideas, the hopes, the life and activity of the people of God, so that the whole parish community can effectively carry out the mission of the parish and fully participate in the ongoing conversion that is central to its life. The Pastoral Council evaluates the parish in its conformity to the Gospel and those constitutive elements of the Gospel which call for understanding the implications of justice. In this sense, the Pastoral Council shares in the decision making process which assists the pastor in carrying out the leadership role that is his within the parish. They are elected by the parishioners for a 3-year term.
Contact the parish office - office@sjbjordan.org
Finance Council
Finance Councils are similar to pastoral councils in that they are consultative in nature, offering advice to the pastor. Finance councils must observe both canon and civil law in the sound management of the temporal goods of the parish. They prepare the budget of the parish and submit it to the Pastoral Council for their review. Finance Council members are appointed by the pastor for a 3-year term.
Contact the parish office - office@sjbjordan.org
Calvary and Saint Joseph Cemetery Committee
This comittee acts in an advisory capacity to the Parish of Saint John the Baptist Church in connection with the preservation, beautification, and enhancement of Saint John the Baptist and Saint Joseph Cemeteries.
Cemetery Board Chairperson: Dave Kreuser
Saint John’s School Advisory Committee (SAC)
This committee advises the principal on policy, fundraising and many other school efforts. They meet the first Thursday of each month.
Contact the school office - office@sjsjordan.org, 952-492-2030
Preschool through 1st grade Volunteers for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Saint John’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes meet weekly throughout the school year. Volunteers are needed to assist trained Catechists in the classroom. All Catechists and co-catechists must be practicing Catholics growing as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Second through 6th grade Holy Family Formation Volunteers
Assistance is needed classroom Catechists twice a month. Prayer warriors, nursery workers, help with locking and unlocking the doors are opportunities to serve. Please indicate the area you would like to serve on your registration form.
7th through Confirmation Catechists and Co-Catechists
Catechists in our 7th-10th program teach a variety of classes. Small, gender specific, classes allow for student participation and class discussion. Volunteers receive a curriculum and training to prepare for a rewarding experience. Teens desire to learn and talk about their faith when given the opportunity.
Sacrament Preparation Special Events
First Reconciliation Workshop and First Communion Workshop are events in need of extra helping hands.
Hospitality – Snack & Treats
During the year, we often are in need of snacks/treats. Volunteers would be asked to bake a batch of cookies, bring a bag of chips, or beverage etc. Special events might include Family Formation nights, catechist/volunteer training, First Reconciliation/First Communion Workshops,Youth Ministry events, etc.
We also have donuts twice a month after Masses on Sunday mornings and need volunteers for this as well.
One-Time Special Events
Volunteers are sometimes needed for set-up/clean-up, staffing a registration/check-in table, greeting or hospitality.
Prayer Team
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 St. Paul calls us to ‘Pray without ceasing`. All we do is possible only through prayer. We need a dedicated team of people who will commit to praying for all of the Faith Formation staff, volunteers and students. It’s as simple as saying a little prayer whenever you think of it, praying the rosary, offering Masses and Holy Hours for us, or offering up little sacrifices for our programs. You will receive periodic emails asking for general and specific prayer intentions as well.
Adult Faith Formation
Check back for more opportunities to grow in your faith or contact Tina Goetz at 952-492-4573.
Catholic School Volunteer
The mission of St. John the Baptist Catholic School is to enable children to grow in faith as they reach their full potential through life-long learning. This is a collaborative effort on the part of school, family, parish and community. Children are taught the basic skills with a strong emphasis on reading and writing. Using these skills, many real experiences are encountered throughout each day. The teaching of the Catholic Faith permeates the day, as is seen in the care and concern of staff, students, parents and friends.
Help from the community is always welcome. Some ways to get involved are: Prayer group, teacher aide, playground helper, lunch room server, share talent for special projects, read with children, library help, recycling, technology committee, maintenance, nursing help, and alumni committee. Everyone is invited to become a part of the school family.
Contact the school office at: office@sjsjordan.org
Faithful Beginnings Preschool Volunteer
Faithful Beginnings is a state licensed, accredited Catholic preschool right here in our parish! The curriculum includes religion, literacy readiness activities, and seasonal fun. Art, music, story time, snacks and free play are elements of every class day.
Children age four and older may attend our three or five days a week Kindergarten Readiness program, which is held Monday through Friday. Children age three and older may attend our Multi-age Preschool program, two to five days a week, which is held Monday through Friday. Anyone wishing to serve as a classroom aide volunteer would be greatly appreciated.
Contact the school office at: office@sjsjordan.org
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
This ministry is designed for anyone who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seeks the living God and communion within the Catholic Church. The journey includes 3 steps marking the candidate’s (the person taking instructions) progress.
Reaching the point of initial conversion and wishing to become a Catholic, the person is accepted as a Candidate by the church.
The Candidate then attends several weeks of classes and prepares for the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).
During the Easter Triduum the candidate is especially visible and takes part in the Holy Saturday services and celebrates the sacraments of initiation and is welcomed into the Catholic faith.
Contact: Tina Goetz 952-492-4573 or Loree Heinkel 952-492-5730
Summer Faith ~ Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. Our week-long Parish Summer Catechetical Program assists parents and parishes in the evangelizing and catechizing of their youth by supplementing the work they are currently doing.
The methodology, structure, content, and enthusiasm of Totus Tuus are concerned not only with teaching the Faith, but also igniting the hearts of the team members and the young people they encounter. The result has been the formation of young adults who continue to dedicate themselves to the Church’s mission of evangelization along with many vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Contact: Tina Goetz 952-492-4573 or Loree Heinkel 952-492-5730