Discipleship begins when we take our first steps walking with the Lord. Following Him in daily life, we make Jesus present in everything we do. Whether we are doing the Laundry at home, meeting with clients at the office, or worshiping Him on Sunday, we always keep the presence of the LORD at the forefront of our minds. In this, we are bringing together what we profess to believe when we recite The Creed on Sunday, and how we live it out. Discipleship involves being one with what you believe…being one with Christ.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. People come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and night. This can be through personal prayer, reading the bible, reading other prayerful books and materials, or just having quiet peaceful time with Jesus. Click here for more information…
“Prayer is being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him who, we know, Loves us.”
Prayer Line
This ministry accepts the names of people who are in need of extra prayers. Prayer Line members give support through their prayers.
Coordinators: Caroline Lehnen 952-492-3363
Ave Maria Cenacle of Prayer
All are welcome to meet and pray the rosary, Marian prayers, and devotions to the Sacred Heart from 7:00 to 8:00 pm on Tuesday evenings in the Chapel.
Coordinators: Caroline Lehnen 952-492-3363
Serving in the Worship of the Mass is a terrific way for us to grow in our relationship with Christ. When we place ourselves close to the Altar of God, where the Sacrifice of Calvary is made present, our Love of Christ is bound to grow deeper and broader.
Environment / Decorating Committee
Contact the parish office ( to be in contact with the environment/decorating committee.
Contact the parish office ( to learn more about being a Sacristan.
Parishioners who lector proclaim God’s Word at Mass. One lector is needed at each Mass. Readings for the weekend lectors are mailed out from the parish office early in the week so that they can prepare in advance for the service.
Contact the parish office ( to learn more about being a Lector.
Greeters are persons or a family who welcome parishioners as well as visitors as they enter the Church. Four greeters are needed at each weekend Mass, one at each of the doors of the Church. Greeters are also responsible for handing out the bulletins to parishioners and visitors after Mass.
Coordinator: 952-492-2640
These individuals assist the greeters in welcoming the assembly, turn on fans, open windows when needed, assist people to their pews and take up the collections. They make sure the Church is in order after Mass. Six ushers are needed for each weekend Mass.
Coordinator: Al Menke 612-247-0297
Mass Servers
Boys in fourth grade or older are responsible for assisting the priest at Mass when scheduled. Three altar servers are needed at each weekend Mass. Father Neil Bakker provides training.
Coordinator: Father Neil Bakker 952-492-4560
Funeral Mass Servers and Sacristans
One sacristan and three Mass servers are needed for each funeral. The Sacristan prepares the altar, altar vessels and gifts. Training is provided.
Contact: 952-492-2640
St. John’s Choir
These singers and musicians provide a combination of SATB choral and congregational hymns accompanied by organ and other instruments on occasion. High school youth and adults make up the choir and are placed in sections to fit their voices. Instrumentalists are also invited to participate, either regularly or just for special feast days. The choir practices Wednesday evenings September through May.
Coordinator: Eli McMahon - Director of Sacred Music