SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2024 - Rock the Lot Concert
Corner of Broadway & Second Street
Gates open: 6:00pm
Music: 7:30-10:30pm
Admission: Free
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2024 - Festival
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: 313 2nd. Street E., Jordan MN 55352
Raffles, Pull Tabs, Food, and Beer!
JACKPOT RAFFLE PRIZES - Tickets are $100 each (Sponsored by the Jordan Knights of Columbus Council # 3759)
Grand Prize - $5,000
2nd Prize - $3,000
3rd Prize - $2,000
50/50 RAFFLE
Win half the pot!
All Day 50/50 Raffle Tickets are $10 each.
Hourly 50/50 Raffle Tickets will only be available at the festival, $2 each.
There will be 3 different meat raffles valued at $100, tickets are $5 each!
One meat raffle will be valued at $200, tickets are $10 each!
CART OF GOODIES RAFFLE - Tickets are only $2 each!
Win a wheelbarrow full of Liquor! (must be 21 or older to win)
Win a cart of Kid Toys and Treats! (must be 18 or older to win)
RAFFLE BOOK PRIZES - Tickets are $3 each - Around $3,000 in prizes!
Above is the beautiful quilt that will be raffled - Tickets are $2 each
$100 (2 prizes) - donated by Elite Metal Works
$100 (2 prizes) - donated by Kreuser Roofing, Inc.
$100 Visa Gift Card - donated by Riverland Bank
$100 MasterCard Gift Card - donated by Frandsen Bank & Trust
$100 Gas Card - donated by Quatmann Auto
$100 - donated by Joe & Sons Sheetmetal
$100 - donated by Lawns Are Us
$100 - donated by Wagner Funeral Home
$100 - donated by Weber’s Landscaping, LLC
Hydration Drip, LMNT Salts, T-Shirt - donated by Advantage Health Center
$75 Gift Certificates (2 prizes) - donated by Jordan Super Club & Taproom
$50 Gift Certificates (8 prizes) - donated by Siwek Lumber & Millwork, Inc.
$50 Visa Gift Cards (3 prizes) - donated by HomeTown Bank
$50 (2 prizes) - donated by Hennen Electric
$50 (2 prizes) - donated by Butch and Gloria Mamer
$50 - donated by Jackie Wolf Hairstylist
$50 - donated by Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home
$50 - donated by Dave Kreuser Construction, LLC
$50 - donated by Jordan Carpet Care
Gift Basket with Gift Card by The Vinery
John Deere Merchandise - donated by Kibble Equipment
Wolf Motors Oil & Filter Changes (5 prizes) - donated by Wolf Motors Ford
Pet Gift Baskets (2 prizes) - donated by Jordan Veterinary Clinic
$25 Gift Certificates (2 prizes) - donated by Radermacher’s Fresh Market
$25 Gift Certificates (2 prizes) - donated by Ridges at Sand Creek
$25 Gift Certificates (2 prizes) - donated by Linsey’s BBQ & Grill
$25 (2 prizes) - donated by RES Realty, Duane Hennen
$20 Gift Certificates (10 prizes) - donated by Jordan Ace Hardware
$20 (5 prizes)- Donated by Delia’s All In One
$15 Gift Certificates (3 prizes) - donated by Country Prime Time
$10 Gift Certificates (5 prizes) - donated by Pekarna Meat Market
$10 Gift Certificates (2 prizes) - donated by Clancy’s Bar & Pizza Parlor
2024 Quilt Auction - 3:30pm on Sunday, September 15
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 - Rock the Lot Concert
Corner of Broadway & Second Street
Gates open: 6:00pm
Music: 7:30-10:30pm
Admission: Free
Live Music with the 70’s & 80’s coverband Wreckless!
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2023 - Festival
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: 313 2nd. Street E., Jordan MN 55352
Raffles, Pull Tabs, Food, and Beer!
(Gambling Sponsored by the Jordan Knights of Columbus Council # 3759)
JACKPOT RAFFLE PRIZES - Tickets are $100 each
Grand Prize - $5,000
2nd Prize - $3,000
3rd Prize - $2,000
50/50 RAFFLE
Win half the pot!
All Day 50/50 Raffle Tickets are $10 each.
Hourly 50/50 Raffle Tickets will only be available at the festival, $2 each.
MEAT RAFFLE CHOICES - Tickets are $5 each
There will be at least 3 different meat raffles!
If the first three meat raffles sell out, we will add more!
CART OF GOODIES RAFFLE - Tickets are only $2 each!
Win a wheelbarrow full of Liquor! (must be 21 or older to win)
Win a cart of Kid Toys! (must be 18 or older to win)
RAFFLE BOOK PRIZES - Tickets are $3 each - Around $3,000 in prizes!
Below is the beautiful quilt that will be raffled.
Tickets are $2 each
Make sure you join us on September 17th at 3:30pm for our LIVE auction!
Corner of Broadway & Second Street
Gates open: 6:30pm
Music: 7:30-10:30pm
Admission: Free
Live Music with the 70’s & 80’s coverband Wreckless!
Ribs and more from Famous Dave’s BBQ, with an appearance from Famous Dave himself!
Beer from Roets Brewing and Voyageur Brewing.
Date: Sunday, September 18, 2022
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: 313 2nd. Street E., Jordan MN 55352
We are currently planning to bring the festival back to normal this year. More information to follow. For raffle tickets and order forms, please contact the parish office at (952) 492-2640.
VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED - If you would like to help in an area of the festival this year, please use this link to signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fada923a0fc1-setup1
JACKPOT RAFFLE PRIZES (TICKET COST $100) - Sponsored by the Jordan Knights of Columbus Council # 3759
Grand Prize - $5,000
2nd Prize - $3,000
3rd Prize - $2,000
50/50 RAFFLE
Win half the pot!
All Day 50/50 Raffle Tickets are available now! Tickets are $10 each.
Hourly 50/50 Raffle Tickets will only be available at the festival, $2 each.
MEAT RAFFLE CHOICES - Tickets are $5 each.
There will be at least 3 different meat raffles!
If the first three meat raffles sell out, we will add more!
CART OF GOODIES RAFFLE - Tickets are only $2 each!
Win a wheelbarrow full of Liquor! (must be 21 or older to win)
NEW Cart of Kid Toys! (must be 18 or older to win)
Below is the beautiful quilt that will be raffled.
Tickets are $2 each
Make sure you join us on September 19th at 3pm for our LIVE auction!
2021 QUILT AUCTION Pictures
2020 QUILT AUCTION Pictures